Saturday, September 15, 2012

our BODY never LIES, III

Today, American news media is reporting that 21 countries have risen in revolt and are capitulating in the streets and against their own governments in a shared, rallying cry about the evils & perils of the USA.  Meanwhile, an American national election is only two months away, and on Tuesday, we celebrated 11 years since the Fall of the Twin Towers.  Coincidence? 

On 09/11, five women gathered within the comforting safety of our pink-hued living room where we visualized our future Wise One, allowing ourselves to be led down a meditative path where mystery percolates and our hearts answer.  L facilitated the circle and I was surprised - not by my monkey mind that loves to either run ahead, thereby creating false truths that have no basis in reality, or stay very far behind, suffering in past mirages but, rather - by the voluptuous woman I met on my journey.  Dressed head to toe in a red, heavy fabric - bonnet included - she had a baby swaddled and attached to her back.  She ushered me into a kitchen hut where steaming aromas and pungent scents rose into a grass thatch roof. 

Sitting at the table beside her, rolling out dough, she swatted the back of my head with a jolly laugh of mischief when I inquired of her how I could live in love and peace, now.  "Just bake the cookies," she commanded, encouraging a spaciousness of embodiment where words and theory melt into the ether.

L gently guided us out of our reverie and back into this present moment.  We worked with pens on the page silently releasing any expressions of our experiences just had.  We shared what we felt called to share with each other and then closed our circle with L receiving some light hands-on touch & energy healing.  I asked the Universe to aid us in both our individual and collective healing and, when I came to motion to myself and where I was sitting in our circle, I placed my hands near my head and said, "I release the belief system that life has to be hard.  I accept and surrender to a life full of ease and grace."