Tuesday, October 2, 2012

BREAKTHROUGH! (Thank $%^&*() God!)

This breakthrough does not entail the full break down of me, the spilling of years of unshed tears and the tapping of this deep well of grief that resides within me and that I tenderly refer to as my deep, feminine wound.  Rather, this breakthrough is simply my Divine Feminine beeing met, held, honored and supported within the nurturing, loving and sustaining container of the Divine Masculine.

Thank $%^&*() God

This story began millennium ago.
This tale started here in San Diego years ago.
And, this yarn has continued to unfold since C and I first met, within one week after the Prosperity Hive's dissolution.  His HUGE energetic current matched mine as our vibrating bodies met on the dance floor.  From the get go, we knew we were spiritual soul mates but that doesn't necessarily make for a smooth ride.  We dove in.  No, not to sex - this isn't about a sexual union, yet that doesn't mean that we can't co-create and make magic together.  Our partnership was sealed in a moment's time and then, life happens...

I get triggered.  Fears arise and I push back and run away.  It's not a new story. 
In fact, it's so $%^&*() old and I'm tired of it. 
And, I trust that life is unfolding exactly as it is meant to - even with all of the pain, hurt and drama.
At some point within it, however, I recognize that if I am creating every moment of it then, what do I want to create?  My humanity won't let me escape the reality of suffering, yet I can recognize that it's a choice.  What do I choose?


More LOVE.)