Wednesday, October 10, 2012


"How are you?" he asks, and I respond,
"I Am."  The two-dimensionality of words could never quite encapsulate me, in this moment now.  Yet, I'm expected to try every time we meet.

What's beecome abundantly clear is that I am successful beeyond my wildest dreams.
Every day is something new; a person who needs my attention.  Together, we walk, arm in arm.
Sometimes, we drive to visit another in the hospital.  Other times, I bear witness as a wounded
warrior lay thrashing about - the dis-ease bee-ing exorcised from his body.  Most of the time, I hug and I kiss and I say, "I LOVE YOU." 
There's nothing more.

My success is measured not in those who return my affection, but in my willingness to continually offer my LOVE - even when it is rejected, denied or simply not met.  No longer clinging to a specific reflection, I surrender into where ever the energy is returned.  I receive.

There's nothing more.