Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Completing the Circle...

Exploring Deida's ideas in dance and movement has been a fairly new phenomenon in my life, as well.
I don't buy into all of his words or all of his maps, per se.  And, as he would point out himself, "it's all just crap, anyhow."  Still, I find some resonance with what I'm hearing, reading and experiencing.

Deida further describes the masculine essence as growing through challenge.  Whereas, he would say, the feminine essence grows through praise.  YES!!!  This I feel.

Here's the slight difference between my work and Deida's, however.  I am not interested in perpetuating gender stereotypes, polar differences or, even, the "battle of the sexes."  We all have both the masculine and the feminine essences within us, even though we resonate more with one.  I firmly believe that now is the time when we must harness both of these essential energies in order to sustain ourselves in this century that is to come.

Thus, as I have been sinking back into my divine feminine - the soft surrender and the willing responsiveness - the masculine in me has also appreciated being challenged.  Only a few weeks ago, someone challenged me on one of my biggest weaknesses - food.  Yes, you read it correctly - I struggle to create everyday plates of fresh produce and healthy meals in the comfort of my own kitchen.  Every inch an American woman, I can eat 'till my belly is close to bursting but I lack creativity and confidence when it comes to the culinary arts.  

Rather than hem and haw for why I couldn't step up to the plate, I listened to the advice I was offered, mentally chewed on it for a bit and then tried to hit a few balls.  My famously raw salad was born not too long after this.  (Though, I have to admit that it eerily resembles Ery's own concoction.  Doh.)  Here's the recipe: 
(please consider purchasing most of your ingredients from local farmers at your local farmer's market)

My Farmously Raw Salad
A head of Kale (purple, flowering Kale is ideal, though not necessary)
A bag of Arugala (if this is too spicy, you can choose any other greens you'd like - such as Chard, a spring mix, etc) 
Throw greens into a bowl and tear into bite-size pieces
Toss on a dab of oil (I have been using Truffle Oil, of late) and massage it into your greens.  The oil will help your stomach to break down the raw leaves.
Throw in handfuls of sunflower seeds, raisins, cranberries and/or dried coconut shavings
Top with fresh passion fruit or pomegranate

For more "umph:" You can also add fresh avocado and a sprinkled cheese on top.

This delight has been serving as a helpful and healthy meal for me, of late.  And, I gotta tell ya, my body is now sucking up water like a camel at an oasis.  YESSSsssssssssss!!!

FYI: There's also a fresh, berry cornbread sitting on the counter and a lavender, mint and basil infused tea in the fridge. 

Wanna come over to eat sometime?  ; )

As my friend Christine Stevens taught me, "The quickest way to enlightenment is to feed others."