Monday, October 11, 2010

More on the Portal of 10/10/10

Really, does numerology mean anything?  Can simple numbers have great significance?  And yet, how often do you look at the clock and see your birth numbers illuminated?  How many of us place bets on state lotteries in hopes of finally becoming that millionaire?  Numbers do mean something.  To mathematicians, they are the patterns that makeup life as we know it.  Sacred geometry and repeating shape, lines and form.  In and out, in and out.  1, 2, 1, 2.  Information is exactly this: repetitive sequences.

So, yesterday, we saw the same number repeated three times 10-10-10, and there was talk of a portal opening up.  It could be thought by some that this doorway represents a shift of consciousness that the Age of Aquarius has been destined to bring with it.  As for me, I got booted out of the world's leading transformational thought program only to be openly embraced and lovingly supported by the community that has been teaching me about transformation over the course of these past four years.  Gratefully, it was with them, rather than with a room full of strangers, whom I shared one of my truths with.

With full presence of bodies, minds and spirits, they listened.  They received me and my sharing.  They honored my words and my Be-ing.  We all inhaled together and then breathed out on one, long, "Ommmmmm."  Devi held up her hands, counted to three, and we all had a final clap in unison.  The spell was broken.  Time to move on, out into the world to face whatever was to come next - stronger, and that much more fulfilled for the moments that came before.

While cleaning up our collective space, I wandered over to our altar to pull a Ta'rot card.  I flipped over a brilliantly designed card and there sat #13 - Death.  I chuckled out loud, and asked Devi, who was packing up the box beside me, to take a look.  We enjoyed the intimate moment together.

Later on that day, while picnicking at Swami's beach park in Encinitas, I found myself in conversation with an older man.  The talk wasn't all that enlivening; I was finding it difficult to be present to him and his desire to share with me.  Nonetheless, I stayed rooted like a tree in the ground.  And, there it was - without my prompting, he brought up synchronicity, Ta'rot and, then, the number 13 death card.  "Do you know what I'm talking about?" he asked.  My laughter, this time, was uproarious.  "Devi," again she was at my feet, engaging in conversation with another beloved friend.  "Do you hear this?"