Friday, October 15, 2010

(Ummm... i fibbed.) THIS IS WHAT I WANT [for my up and coming birthday]

(pretty please)

I want for you
as I want for myself

I want us to discover
our own unique, internal rhythm
I want us to listen to our hearts
and move from this place
of deep compassion and love
I want our collective fulfillment
in this moment
as it sits perfectly unfolding
and as we stand, erect and completely fallible.

I want us to integrate our bodies and our minds, once again
truly, One EarthBody.
I want us to hear the subtle flapping of wings overhead,
the faint stirring of the pulse in our blood
and the delicate vulnerability of life crashing, over and over again.

I want us to respond from our human-animal instincts
surrendering to the jewel in the lotus,
sensing with a multi-dimensionality
of up and down, four cardinal directions,
sight, sound, scent, taste, touch and experience.

I want us to remember our SoulSpirits
parched and withered
it is now time to refuel at a collective fountain.

I want us to come together
to celebrate and honor
what makes us same-same
Homo sapiens sapiens
as well as what distinguishes us from one another.

I want you to be the magnanimous you
no guilt, no shame, no hiding
no thinking there's something more
just Be-ing
and reflecting