Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Am/We Are Sooo Not Special (Or, On Name Calling and Finger Pointing)

If you haven't noticed, I've been dropping names in these here blog postings like f-bombs.
I don't do this to highlight others as somehow special, or different.
In fact, I try not to intentionally do anything that will leave you feeling left out, or "bad."
('Cuz I abhor feeling this way, myself.)
Rather, I tell my tale, I share my stories and I illuminate myself, as well as others, because
we are/I AM
(there is no separation between).

More than anything, I want you to know that I understand, and I feel
your pain, sadness, glory and madness,
your highs and your lows,
your love, rejection, hurting, and desperation,
your joy, light, dark and misery.
I feel it all.  Because I am all of it, too.

So, more than anything, I want you to know
that the community I refer to  and
the space in which my transformation has taken place
is yours as well.
In cities, and in towns, all across the world
people gather
to do what I/we have been doing for over forty years now
here in San Diego.
We come together, to heal and to revel,
to rejoice and to support.
To be human.

Thus, the Johns, the Careys, the Sams and the Staceys,
they are all there waiting for you
to either join them or to create your own
dance sessions, conversational circles,
camping trips and beloved communities.

N-o-w is the time.
What are you waiting for?

Click here for some fast links to (EarthBody based) communities in your neck o' the woods