Sunday, February 3, 2013

two/three: BALM (the real bomb)

A brother and I were talking about LOVE the other day.
We were lamenting how it seems as though our peers simply want to keep it as this pretty place of uplifting lightness - lifting our heels off of the Earth and into some ethereal never-land. 'Romantic love' has co-opted what is true and turned it into the hugest illusion and farce.  It's why divorce is so commonplace - the fairy tale wears off, reality sets in and we're ready to bolt out the door.  I also feel that our cult of 'celebrity culture' has something to do with it, as well.  We're all so brainwashed by being our own individual superstars that we've forgotten how badly our own shit stinks.  He and I both agreed that we just want to have real dialogue about how LOVE begins when the ugliness starts - when the facade wears off, the perfume dissipates and discomfort sets in.  Of course, this isn't to imply that I haven't ran out the door.  In many instances, I have.  And, I let myself go because LOVE always brings me back.