Saturday, October 5, 2013

Power Flow

We're hungry.
Otherwise, we wouldn't force so many of us around the world into a place of extreme poverty and, thus, hunger.  We have been painfully creating this mirror reflection in hopes that, one day, we will collectively wake up and tend to our collective Soul's needs.
("WAKE UP!"  Please.
I am begging you.)

It's a hunger of Spirit that we are suffering from.  Chasing money and things, fame and gratification, won't bring what we're seeking any closer - you know this.  It's a form of noxious death with no sacred awareness.  So, why keep doing what we've always been doing?  Especially when we have all heard the adage that this is the definition of insanity.

I know you're not insane.
I know your heart - for it is my heart - and it beats for LOVE, TRUE LOVE.
For unconditional acceptance, for a sense of beelonging, for a community to hold you, to look you deep in the eyes and truly ask, "How are you?" 

I care.  I will stop to listen - to truly listen with my whole bee-ing; without anxious thoughts of how I am going to respond, or what I need to do or say, running through my Body Mind.
I won't request payment or a transaction of some kind in exchange for my attention - for our worth is found in our simply beeing here, now.
And, I won't try to "fix" you.  I will just let you bee.
Unless Spirit moves me to offer, of course.
Then, I will ask, "May I?"

"MAY I?"