Saturday, October 26, 2013

"REVOLUTION is not an event, it's a PROCESS"

I've got this tale inside of me that I really need to write.  It's about power and emasculation, it's about anger and man's sense of powerlessness.  It's about civilization as we now know it and how it is on a crash course for catastrophe if we do not change our ways now.  
The headlines on the paper are grim.  "BAD NEWS FOR PEOPLE WHO LIVE ON PLANET EARTH" the Huffingpost had one little box shouting a few days ago.  I couldn't even bring myself to click on it.  Meanwhile, the state of Texas is attempting to have the voting rights of women removed.  What?  Yeah.  

In a cultural studies class as an undergraduate student at Sonoma State, my professor began by defining his credentials for us on the whiteboard.  "B.S.  M.S.  PhD." he wrote out with chalk.  "Anyone know what this means?" he asked.  "BULLSHIT.  MORE SHIT.  PILED HIGH and DEEP," he said.  I sat up straighter and listened a little deeper after that beecause, obviously, this man was willing to spit the truth.

An African-American man in his middle ages, he then went on to ask us, "Which do you think will be eradicated in this country first?  Racism or Sexism?"
We had a colorful debate and then he gave his answer.  "It's a man's world, folks," is essentially what he said.

And as I look at the "progress" currently beeing made in the world - within the civil rights movement and the naturalizing of gay marriage in many countries across the world as well as the legalization of marijuana and the acceptance of it as a much less harmful narcotic than alcohol, I also notice how women remain much more likely to make news headlines beecause of what they were wearing and how they looked and especially for "losing the weight after the birth of their baby."

And, I'm like, "Wait.  What?"  THIS AIN'T PROGRESS, yo!  It' s more of the same - wrapped up in a different colored turtle neck.  In all these images coming out of Washington regarding the recent government shut down, the photos show these pasty white, curmudgeonly old senators who look like walking death.  They have no vitality, whatsoever.  And, I'm like "who elects these people?  We really expect them to guide us towards the light of chasing LIFE?"  (Thank God Marianne Williamson has declared her run for Congress.  This thought alone brought some bright HOPE into my world this week.)

Yet, while watching television with my mother yesterday and really enjoying seeing the induction of both Public Enemy and RUSH into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I couldn't help but notice that, wow!, there are not really any women represented on that stage.  "Women don't make music as much as men?" I asked myself.  HA!  Then, my mother sent me to Wal-Mart to buy her groceries.  SIGH.  Yet another reminder, all too up close and personal, how deeply ingrained in our American psyche our unsustainable way of unconscious taking is.  PLASTIC BAGS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL NOW!  (to beegin with.)

"The Earth is resilient," my lover responded the other day, as I was lamenting about how we need to change our ways now.  "I'm not worried about the Earth," I told him.  "It's US that is at stake here.  This is about the evolution of our species.  And, I don't know about you but I refuse to beecome a robot."  "Ha, ha, we won't beecome robots," he absentmindedly chuckles in response, as his fingers type out a quick text, and his vision remains firm on the numerous web browsers on his desktop, a place where he streams Facebook all day long.  "Hmmmm... yeah," is all I think in response.  

It's time we woke up!