Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Here, Now

A evening spent amongst local poets,
mainly a bunch of old, white men "praising" the "long dark nights" of the Soul. 
And, it's cool - the changing of the guard is a gradual process. 
This is just the way it looks, here, for now.

Up on that stage in my red dress and faux-Frida, Hallow's Eve look,
I spit my post-feminisism rant.  "GOD HAS CURVES, yo!" I was frothing at the mouth.  Witnessing my hip-gyrations and feeling my rhythmic flow, their resounding applause followed.  I don't think they know what him them.   "Punch You in the Face!" the featured artist later intoned, his prose sing-song read by a masked luchadore. 

Black booted feet traversing the small business of a local man selling books and mementos, the edges of my memory traced familiarity.  I've been steadily marching towards this beat since the day I was born.  I just never knew.  I never knew.  Always and ever only a feeling - a sense of magic, a touch of the witch's wile.  Something is different here, but what it is I don't know.  I guess I am Spiritual but even that felt odd - an unfamiliar taste that hinted at a much deeper, darker truth.  I just didn't know. 

Running barefooted through the era of Reagonomics, our western counterparts were writing in our beecoming.   
"The Dark Feminine Has Risen," they intuited.  
Goddess Incarnate once more walks upon this Earth ~ just in time to right the heavy imbalance, to lighten our burdened load.  White Buffalo Calf Woman.  Innana.  Ishtar.  Isis.  The Black Madonna.  Durga.  Kali.  Kwan Yin. 

And, Now