Friday, November 16, 2012


We can choose to view life as art. We can shift our gaze and see that you and me we just are and we can consciously choose laughter and lightness even as the reality of death and loss remains a natural cycle of life here on planet Earth. Because, in the end, it's all just LOVE.

Sister Speak Music with Sherri Anne
Dancing & film by Cara H. Cadwallader
Lyrics by traveling minstrel and his song "Om" in B.C. Canada
Filmed at Las Raices Collective, San Diego, Yes~vember, 2012

P.S. Yes, the video and sound quality of this film sucks - so, please be gentle with me. ; ) New/old technology coupled with my rusty skills is one "why" and one solution is: we are calling in a resident/community member master film maker. A visionary who gets that living sustainably in the here and now IS a way forward and someone who is excited to flourish within a vibrant community where love, hugs and kisses are the highest form of exchange. Our big project breaks ground next month and is our urban eco-village - there's already a stage on our 1/2 acre and we are equipped with the skills to start growing our own food, conserving our greywater & more. We need you ~ please inquire within: