Wednesday, November 28, 2012


That Full Moon Risen,
She Walks Along These City Streets
where skyscrapers point upward
and earthly feet plod,
she knows her way,
she's been plotting this course
for millennium.
She's been through it all
the burning and the judgment,
the rejection and the cruelty,
the madness and the chaos.
Only now, she has transcended
fearlessly walking through those licking flames
the bonfires of transformation
the centuries-old shame and guilt,
pain and sadness, the coat of arms, and prickly thorns of defenses
that she once barricaded herself within as she valiantly fought
to be here, now,
melting in the process.
No longer the victim or the martyr,
no longer the scapegoat or the oppressor,
she has landed, firm in her alignment.  A Queen on her mountaintop, an Empress of the heart,
she dances forward, swiftly, gently, as her General deftly commands the field.
A divine instrument, Qi courses, the Universe channels and she flows with the river of time.
A celestial cosmos swirls within her warm abdomen, where she breathes deeply, in and out,
out and in, purring like a black cat prowling a darkened neighborhood.
This alchemical journey back towards our radical wholeness?
All in the blink of an eye.
"You're like an onion," he says, as she gazes up into his powerfully potent baby blues.
"YES!" she responds.