Friday, November 9, 2012


How do you feel about the new look?

Many of my peers feel that Blogspot is antiquated and they recommend that I move my blog over to Wordpress.

 "Yes, and..."

Are you noticing a shift?

I am certainly calling in transformation as I excitedly prepare for the arrival of a South American shaman who will fill Las Raices with his gentle Icaros all weekend long.

Perhaps, you are also observing my new "Medicine Woman" imagery?

It's strange terrain navigating digital imagery of one's self along with the self-judgment that can arise with it.
(Thank God.)

During this month of "YES-vember," I celebrate the printing of my first published piece about  
my work. In this month's edition of Radiance Magazine, I call it "Connection Therapy." Not too ironically, I experienced a serious bout of writer's block in flushing this article out and then, while sitting with my nose behind my computer, I was distracted by hours of "sexting."  
Oh, Life!  

What are you celebrating now? 
Whatever it is, I hope it's vibrant, radiant, joyful and feeds your Spirit deeply - 
in ways far greater than any Turkey Dinner could. 

P.S.  Check out my last post, entitled "Absolution."  
I always forget to add in my bios that I'm a poet, too.