Friday, February 4, 2011

However, we can make it about SEX, too...

How can we not?
I am, after all, talking about "Sustainability" here.
And, as a species, we will not endure without Sex.
Unfortunately, we recognize that our biology is changing.
It is becoming increasingly harder for us to do as we have done for millennia and become naturally fertilized.  In some cases, we might struggle with maintaining an erect penis or with relaxing long enough to enjoy the simple act of intercourse.  This isn't merely a "personal problem."  Babies are also now being born along with an alarming rise of diseases, such as Diabetes, as well as brain disorders, like Autism.  For there is poison in our food, in our land, and in our water.  And there is no mistaking its decaying stench.  It runs, like blood, cutting swaths across what was once ripe and fertile farmland thereby creating Dead Zones in our great oceans.  Life has we have known it is slowly suffocating.
Our bodies are changing - more rigid, less soft.  More flat and angular, we've forgotten the multi-dimensionality of our Be-ing.  Recently, while hoop-dancing (which, might I add, my skills are extremely elementary) at a local Farmer's Market, I inquired of the French Chef if he wanted to try.  "I'm married, " he scornfully spit.  "I have sex," he emphatically stated.  I looked him in his eye and said, "Well, if you want to have GREAT Sex then you'll hoop and move your body.  Practice makes perfect," I said with a wink as I moved along my merry way.  Men, how many of you can drop down, wide, and into your ancestral stance of the Gorilla?  Do you recognize how your open hips aid in your well-being?  Let alone in exploring fantastic, Tantric poses?  Yes, the same goes for us women, as well.  Let's open up, and re-member...
Fortunately, Shakti will be presenting a workshop, here at the Hive, for just such a thing.  Come, drop wider into the fullness of your Be-ing - which, YES, includes your Sexuality!
Your primal urges, your desire for fulfillment, your ancestral call to SURVIVE, to sustain, TO LIVE FULLY in all the GLORY of your Brilliant, Mad & Loving Humanity.
N-o-w is the time.