Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More on "Primal Fluidity"

Primal as in first, original and foundational.
For billions of years, life on this planet has evolved and unfolded from the deep, dark waters that cover over three-quarters of the Earth's body. Like this first form, human be-ings mirror a similar molecular makeup - we, too, are three-quarters water and we begin these life journeys within the safe confines of a woman's warm womb. There, we begin to hear, feel and sense the environment that we will soon be birthed into. Supported within this first, mammalian home, our Earth bodies grow, expand, stretch, and come into Be-ing.

"Primal Fluidity" begins here with the slow, soft surrender back to this beginning. It starts with the release of holding on to all that came before - to the calls that have to be made, to the errands that have to be run and to the tinkering of thought that holds a sensitive human body hostage. "Primal Fluidity" begins with your relationship to the ground below your feet, to the studio floor supporting your weight. Working to realign the pattern of erect tension that your body has inherited from a lifetime of working against natural forces, you will be led, with breath work, guided meditation and gentle stretching, back. You will sink through the liquid, primal waters of the Seven Seas as well as the Four Oceans and into the planet's viscous, magma core. You will rediscover you - your innate beat and inherent rhythm, and the nourishment you seek for feeding your parched and withered spirit. Because it's there, inside of you. All you have to do is re-member and practice. The hardest part, however, is simply in showing up. In committing to YOU and YOUR NEEDS - in trying to let it all go. It isn't easy work, but it's the best work because it's YOURS. "Primal Fluidity" is your dance - it is an offering of basic and simple tools that you may call upon in your day-to-day life in order to experience more grace and ease as you navigate through this world, especially as you come in and out of contact with others.

Like a fern leaf unfurling towards the sun's rays, our spines also unfurl. Away from the Earth's crust and towards the atmosphere, we flourish. And, then, back again - away from the heavens above and towards the source within. Over and over again, we feed our own internal, ecosystem. In, out, out, in. Moving away from and back towards, expanding and contracting - universal motion in play. Yes, it is this simple.

However, we recognize where we find ourselves as human adults in space and time, n-o-w. We're confronted with a daily barrage of two-dimensionality that forces us to adhere to certain mandates. We're taught to sit when we want to run and we're berated to "shush" when we want to scream. We're scolded to listen when we want to investigate and we're conditioned to be taught (how to think, move, learn, speak, love, forgive...)
Now is the time.
Break out of the box.
Be Free.
Be Fluid.
Re-member your primal beginnings.