Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Let the Accusations Fly...

So, I will just admit to one of my truths then, especially since it seems the smoothest recourse.
Truth is,
I don't know what "Love" is.  (Let alone "True Love.")
Which is why I am examining it through time and space,
contact and community, and
the lens and virtual media.
I don't know what it is, how it tastes or what it feels like, so I look to you for help.
I guess I am simply courageous enough to ask the question: "What is Love?"
and to investigate its myriad of possible answers.

I also do so as an offering!
Not Because I am special, unique or alone in my experiences.  But because there are others out here who share with me how my words reach them, how these typed ideas touch them - deeply.
So, I share because our journey is collective and universal.
I share for our greater good.
If it is received as "taking," so be it - I know my intentions.
Which are pure -
I want others to heal and recognize that suffering is an option that they no longer have to choose.

One thing I do know, though, is that Shakti has been teaching me a great deal about soft, supple support - what that looks and feels like - & I am eternally grateful to her.
As for the rest, I am simply just this spirit having a human experience.
I allow my Self my myriad of mistakes today because, once upon a time, my fear rendered me inert.
Once upon a time - not too long ago - my soul sat parched and withered and I didn't know how to feed it.
Truth is, I don't know if I've quite learned how to do so, but I do know that feeling committed to learning how to LOVE Me - being dedicated to my Tao - is a step in the right direction.
And, I guess it's all I would hope for you, as well.