Friday, February 4, 2011

More on Sacred Sexuality

Today, we find ourselves teetering on a brink.
If you don't believe me, step outside.
The winds of change have been forcefully sweeping across these San Diego streets.
They blew towering Eucalyptus trees onto luxury vehicles in La Jolla and they brushed
Semi-Trucks off of the 8 Freeway in East County like pestilent flies.
As a passer-by said to me yesterday, while my feet carried me around the downtown, Gaslamp district,
"This is San Diego, not Chicago!"

Some thing is brewing.
Some of my dearest friends, environmentalists and ecologists alike, firmly believe that we will see great change in the time that is soon to come.  They know that the Earth cannot support our current human systems and that, as a result, all we have known as middle class Americans will be irrevocably dismantled.  In reading the work of Ray Kurzweil, I have come to agree with his theory of how our technological development is much like our human population - exponential in growth.  He surmises that we will see roughly 1,000 times the rate of change as we witnessed in the last, "modern" century.
Can you envision what any of this looks like?  I can't and I lost too many years feeling angry, sad and fearful, because of it.

Nonetheless, after losing precious days, hours and moments paralyzed by my own fear, I committed myself to an alternative path.  Sometimes, I refer to it as my "Hero's Journey," as Paolo Coelho writes in his novel, The Alchemist.  It is also the route of a "Light Worker," - it is the cinnabon-hairstyled Leila combined with the natural talents of Luke, the fierce love of Neytiri balanced by Jake Sully's vulnerability, the masculine and the feminine forever revolving in wondrous harmony.  It is just as our Native American ancestors forebode in the great heavens above.  When looking out and up at the North Star, Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper, they saw revolving man and revolving woman forever dancing around that great fire in the sky.  (The next time we're out under the stars together, just ask and I will point it out to you.) 

This is my version of Sacred Sexuality for these radical times - like the ying-yang symbol, the masculine and the feminine are inside each of us, n-o-w.  There is no separation between.  Balance is the improvisational dance of each of these - by listening deeply, we cull from a honed lexicon in order to respond most effectively to this moment now.  (AKA Darwin's "Survival of the Fittest").  Our Sacred Sexuality is here, n-o-w, for each of us to pull from the deep pits of our psyche, utilize with dexterity and wield as a tool for our endurance.  Because, believe me, in these coming times, you will need it! 
Yes, indeed.

"Don't be a spectator on this trip.  There's no death worse than just waiting around.  
Set your heart on the Hero's Gold.  And Go."  --Rumi