Wednesday, February 23, 2011

On a 21st Century Trans-Identity

photo by CHC Designs

Internationally acclaimed performance artist, Thoth (pronounced like 'sloth,' as he recently shared with me) has landed in San Diego, along with his Tribal Baroque other half, Lila'Anglique. Together, they have been ticketed for "illegally" presenting their 'Prayformances,' down a Balboa Park hallway, as well as celebrated at local art shows. All the while, they have been experiencing a sense of finding tribe, as Thoth told me last weekend, here in our sleepy, southern California community. This weekend is your last opportunity to catch their "Bless the World" tour. They will be "Prayforming" again at ArtLab Studios on Adams Avenue. I highly recommend you attend because their visual and sonic echoes of the palpable excitement that is our 21st century Trans-Identity will continue to resonate long after we are all gone.

For we are now located within a climactic period of human history when we can transcend all of the superficial differences that have kept us separate and segregated, for too long now. Thoth with with his Mayan warrior build and regal Egyptian appearance, with his skirts and unwieldy hair, with his operatic voice wailing in an exotic and made-up tongue, with his raw vulnerability pouring onto the cement under his foot-stomping, bell-shaking powerful legs, with his virtuoso violin playing and deep reverence for this EarthBody, reminds us that we can overcome all of the pain of our perceived separation. We can once again simply Be - human. Together, with all of our religion and our dogma, our ethnicity and our culture, our persuasions and, even, our gender. Not black or white, not man or woman, not straight or gay, not either or, nor for or against. Here, now, in the fullness of our human expression, which is a vast continuum that includes all of the above (as well as none of it.) Yes, we can transcend what we have, up until now, considered our identities - the pretty and ugly, the sad and the mad, the fierce and the gentle, the willing and defiant. This possibility is what makes these moments NOW so irrevocably potent! YES - we can come together in the name of what is good for all, including our planet.

However, we are precariously balanced on a tipping point, upon a high wire up above a great abyss that straddles what came before, in the modern 20th century, and what is to come next, in this 21st century, post-modern era. What we all need to understand is that maintaining our balance requires ACTION on each of our parts. We are not mere cogs in a wheel, swept along in a great tide of time. Rather, we are powerful deities capable of manifesting VISION and choosing a collective flow. "Where is that we want to flow?" is the question du jour. Well, where do you want to go? If we were to step out of our ego, and honor that we cannot all have abundant material resources and fame but we can each take just enough while celebrating a vibrant health wealth, what would you choose? In your heart of hearts, what will truly feed your spirit?

On the flip side are the choices we make. For with this now comes the very real possibility that we are no longer merely transcending our superficial human identities, those that have been based on lines of color and borders, of brainwashing and propaganda. For we are now at a crossroads where a very real possibility is that we are transcending what it means to be human. We are transcending our very own biology - our connection to this planet Earth upon which we have grown and flourished for millennium. Ray Kurzweil would call it "the dawn of the spiritual machine." And, I don't know about you, but I am passionately in LOVE with the sky, these birds, the trees, this air, the stars and, even, you. I'm not ready to transcend any of it, for I have only recently allowed myself to finally show up to it in the fullest of my expression. I hope you will, too.