Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Only WE Can Set US Free"

YES, peace. Yes, peace. YES! Sometimes, in order for PEACE to happen, we have to stand up, move forward together and say, "Basta!" ENOUGH of the madness, the take take taking our oil, our land, our PEACE, our LOVE. Our RIGHT to be HUMAN ~... without oppression and force, without the threat of brutality, without hate. This isn't hate - though, maybe it looks scary and kinda like it to you. This is a PEOPLE RiSiNg, a people who were once tired and sad people. A people who were once dying and murdered people. THIS is the WORLD - Standing Up, Being Counted, Speaking for this Planet. This is US DEMANDING THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE OUR OWN GOVERNING BODY. OUR BODIES, these Earth Bodies, OUR MOVEMENT, ONE universal motion. Together, through shared space and time, we can vibrate on a frequency of LOVE. YES! i know it looks scary and it can feel scary. However, if we think critically about the moments up until now that have taken place all over the world for decades, centuries, millennium, then do we see love, peace & the inalienable right to live in a world, free of violence and hate? if you say "yes," then i will shush. promise. if you have other ideas for how to create this "peace" you type of, then please share. ♥ ♥