Tuesday, January 8, 2013

BEE Medicine

I know I am on the right path when....
stopping in to the occupied house, around the corner from where Las Raices
once sat, a small, hand-painted Owl shaker tumbles off of the table and onto the floor where I have
temporarily placed my things.
"Hoot, hoot," the Universe silently calls, nudging me along my journey.

Then, my feet carry me over to the Ant Hill Collective where, with power tools - a saw
and a drill - I help to build bee boxes.   Side-by-side with a few of my local activist brothers, one of San Diego's best urban agriculturalists directs our motion.  Feeling adept and at ease with the work, my warrior goddess is given space to play.  "See you later, Queen Bee," one of the beautiful men says, as he departs, giving me a friendly kiss on the lips.  

Then, you arrive to pick me up and carry me to your home, where you have been keeping me like royalty.  There is no singular totem between us.  There is no driving Eros that, usually, only leads to a quick snuffing out of the flames of passion.  Rather, what is here is the triumvirate of sexual union - a sturdy foundation based on Philos and our friendship as well as the unconditional love between a brother and a sister.  In our exploration, we are teaching each other about romantic sustainability.

What is also present here is the reflection of a powerful healer and shaman.  "I see myself in you," you said.  "And, I don't want to lose you in my life," you said, when we discussed the possibility of sex between us.  "There is no guaranty - for anything," is always my embodied response.  The magic that dances between us was written in the annals, long ago.  I counted - it was eight shooting stars.  The symbol for balance and infinity.