Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Your Daily Dose of LOVE, vlog day #2, 2013

How was your first day of 2013?
Did you keep the gratitude I spoke into on the tip of your tongue?
I sure hope so.  If not, then you have plenty more opportunities to practice (364 days to be exact).

As for me, "Phew!"  Well, my 01/01/2013 kinda looked like this:

Wake early in the high desert to bathe naked in an outdoor hot tub, surrounded by patches of snow.  (YES!)   Drive west with two of my dearest soul sisters, as I rest my eyes in the backseat.
Continue cleaning and saying "goodbye" to Las Raices.
I intentionally waited until the later afternoon to hang fliers for "Connection Therapy" classes in local cafes.  It didn't matter though because, still, I heard Snake Medicine man's voice boasting about his up and coming tour.  Damn you, LOVE - you are so bittersweet.
Drop in on the New Year's Day party at Bee Medicine man's house.  Eager to show me the rough draft copy of a book he is working on, I was pleasantly surprised by his work as well as how healthy and robust he is looking and feeling.
Damn you, LOVE - you are so bittersweet.
Then, you offer me your lap, I sit and its pure sweetness.  The hand of time keeps marching on and all I can do is surrender to the Universe's commands.  "I bow down before you, oh great mystery - whatever you command, I shall do," I have literally prayed in the past.  And, c'est la vie.

I keep moving - driving north to Carlsbad, I arrive onto the doorstep of another soul sister.  I know I am exactly where I am meant to bee as the visages of three hooting owls greet my eyes from the doormat.

Sitting together in merry excitement, we share our adventures since we last saw each other.  She holds such deep space for me, and my stories.  "Damn, woman," she says, after I recount only some of the recent memories imprinted in my BodyMind.  "You are writing all of this, right?"


But, first, We DANCE.
So, we head toward our beeloved Encinitas Dance community for a first day of the year twirl around that proverbial dance floor of LIFE.

Shall we dance?