Saturday, January 5, 2013

Daily Dose of LOVE for 01/05/2013

Still don't know what I am doing and I'm allowing the adventure to unfold...
Too much driving in circles this weekend, got me feeling that it's an old refrain to a lilting song.
Changing up the tired tune sometimes means sitting in one's frustration with their own pattern.
And, PERFECT.  C'est la vie.
It all makes perfect sense.
And, still., I don't know "why" for any of it.
I am simply allowing it to move through,
with intention and sacred ceremony
and with a lot of just beeing human in between
as I trust that it is all unfolding exactly as it is meant to.
May you as well. 

p.s. yes, this video was pre-recorded. and, so was yesterday's...  back up plans are good.  ; )