Monday, January 14, 2013

White Rabbit

"A sign of good fortune," father says,
after he is told that a fluffy, white bunny has showed up in his backyard, foraging for green grass under towering trees of avocados, lemons, oranges and more.
Later that day, a long-standing business deal of one of his sons finally goes through - promising a rainfall of fortuitous prosperity.  Soon, the other son receives word through the mail that he has been invited to address this year's graduating class of his college alma mater.  Thoughts of receiving an honorary doctorate degree are shared.  
Today, mother says to the visiting friend (me) who has found comfort and shelter in this Lebanese tribe, "Maybe, you can help to alleviate the pain in my back," as we stretch and breathe together in the front room.  "Perhaps, you are my angel."  "Perhaps."
Only time will tell.