Friday, January 18, 2013

Daily Dose of LOVE for Today 01/18/2013 ~ On Listening

Today, I missed the Chai lattes you briefly made for me as I once stood firmly in front of a counter.
I never told you that, weeks after our run-in, I was going through my things and came across my Meyers-Briggs reading - a print-out I've held onto since I was in college in the late 90s that details how my eNFp personality type is the "portrait of a champion" which only shows up in 2% of the population.  I knew then that the Universe sent you to me because it was screaming for me to remember my true destiny.

Our relationships aren't personal - they are merely lessons showing us what we need to learn, so long as we allow ourselves to receive their bittersweet teachings.
  Yet, my ego was holding on to its addiction to love as pain up right until the very last moments of 2012.  It's funny, how life works.  Thank God for R.  He showed up just in the nick of time - after 26,000 years, maybee - so that I could experience and taste a generous, unconditonal LOVE that doesn't hurt.  (A LOVE I like to believe that I am quite adept at giving out.)  One that comes without guarantees and expectations.  Just LOVE because there's nothing more.

Intuitive and a bit psychic, I am continually bombarded by messages and markers from the Universe, pointing me in certain directions.  The task is to simply follow the signs without thinking I know "why" or, even, the meaning of them.  Because, I never do - I only know that it is important that I listen and pay attention. 

I have always been fond of my initials, "CC," because I share them with all four of my most primal tribe members, from my mother and father to my brother and sister.  It did not go unnoticed by me that these letters are important in your world, as well.  They also now play a part in R's ongoing intimacies, too.  And, again, I don't have to know "why," I can simply allow that it just is. 

There's nothing more.