Thursday, March 28, 2013

bitten ~

It's an anniversary of sorts.
One year ago today.
A fateful bite from the Universe.
Two creatures whose destiny is forever entwined.
I wonder where my snake is today.
Is she sill sliding along a Calaveras Preserve?
Or, has he returned to Source with my life blood
and essence no longer pumping through it?
22 vials of anti-venom.
One year ago today.
And, recently, I find myself still integrating the medicine
that fateful day produced.
Four powerful weeks of rejuvenate healing when
insights regarding the imbalances of the masculine and feminine
hit me like a ton of bricks as I lay, recuperating, in a bathtub.
Only, I climbed high, quickly, up a healing ladder, only to crash and fall
down the other side.  So I've spent the past year perpetuating these same imbalances.
And, perhaps, repeating the mis-steps that led my leg to that serpent's mouth.
Yet, there isn't any blame, nor shame and guilt either.
It just is.
Kind of like this life.
This morning, I was dreaming about walking along winding hillsides
where birds of prey swooped and dove, and ran along beside me,
with fresh catches in their mouths.
And, I remember POWER.