Thursday, March 14, 2013

gifts of presence

Where ya been all my life, yo?
I love greeting people with this statement every once in a while - it never fails to produce a mega-watt smile that lasts for years.
(try it sometime.)

Me?  I haven't really been here.  The hypocrite in me has been having fun,
hiding... Come this new year, I felt that the Universe, with its big bites and hard shoves out of two important spaces, was saying, "Go."  Yet, a few months later, I am still "here" - though not fully committed to this present moment yet fearful to jump from "here" to "there."  Every journey begins with one, small baby step forward (or something like that, is how the adage goes...)

M. and I had to have a serious sit-down conversation because I had contracted so far in that I was creating waves of discomfort due to my lack of communication here at the Rooted Living house.  "I am having to read your blog to find out what is going on with you," M. admonished.  "I know, I'm sorry," I responded.  "It's true - I'm not stoked with where I am."  So, what'cha ya want, what'cha really really want?

Soul sistah Luvlee questioned, "What if this is just it, C?" as we sat on the floor of a children's indoor playground last week.  Since then, she's made huge strides in her life to continue in the direction of her highest good and personal legend.  So, as I surrender into this day of a morning spent with musician Ashley ("it's been a month since Valentine's Day," I said) and a new part time gig at a metaphysical bookstore, I step into the shower saying,  
"Just bee where you are." 
Truly, contradiction makes life interesting, colorful and layered. 

Yo, Germany - are you out here?!  
'Cuz I see you reading these words - 
give a shout to let us know your thoughts and feelings...
(About Anything  ~  Write/Right Below)
please.  because i am tired of just the ol' crazy stalker who leaves cuckoo comments....