Saturday, December 22, 2012

December 22, 2012

"Fly or Die," is the mantra now. 
As I grow restless in my churning, the forced labor, 
of birthing creation - life brought into form - 
brings me to my knees.  Anesthetizing myself, 
I crawl towards an unknown shore. 
There is no cents, any more.  
Only this... 
pulling and crawling along a southern line. 

Dawn beckons and a new world unfolds. 
The sun still rises, the traffic whizzes by.  Birds calling overhead. 
The Earth keeps spinning and I keep rising - one foot in front of the other, 
walking toward, what? I wonder.  Yet, I always know. 
(There's nothing more) 

And, there you are, reading down to me my astrological notes for the day.
Standing high on your mighty steed as I remain below - the tipping scales of balance
righted once more.  Retreating towards comfort, I return to my nest, grimacing and baring down - focusing on the present moment. "Don't think," you said,
and I think I hear the wisdom in your words.