Friday, December 7, 2012

more feelings on LOVE

“Love does not consist in gazing at each other,
but in looking outward together in the same direction.”
--Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

I discovered the "Little Prince" creator's quote above while backpacking through New Zealand at the turn of the century.  A life long seeker, I've never known what I've been looking for.  There's simply been some undeniable call that has kept my feet in perpetual motion below me, as I have scaled towering mountaintops, from Zermat in Switzerland to Mt. Tamalpais in California, as well as climbed the invisible hierarchies of social platforms.  "Just keep moving," has always been my mantra.  And, yet, I still somehow "refrain from dancing.  I still somehow forget to sing; to free my breath and allow it the chance to dance with angels, to frolic with demons, to be pure energy, and to be free of the trappings of ego."  Contradicting one's self is par for course in this being human.  Let's just forgive ourselves, as well as each other, for falling far short of the perfections we all preach about. 

As I've continued to root deeper, into this here and now, into San Diego - the backyard of my upbringing and a place where I once erroneously believed I'd never want to bee - the resounding answer that has kept bubbling forth over the almost now past decade has been to keep digging.  "The sexy truth is that what remains is within - it is WITHIN. And I am AWAKE."  

So, here we are with the remaining days of this Black Water Dragon year dribbling by.  Mayan prophecies foretold of an end as well as a new beginning.  What chapters are you closing the book on and what new stories are you telling for yourself come 2013?  It is really this simple.  

Here at Las Raices, as we count down the days until we move on to whatever journey is to come next away from this blessed abode, M shared with me last night about the film she was watching, "The Secret Life of Plants."  "They have feelings," she said, "there's scientific proof demonstrating that plants pick up on vibrations and that they can track a human being's emotional body's sensations."  

B. is in town and he's been staying here this week.  He was the one who initially created this home for a group of us local activists.  Last night, he shared his feelings  about the magic of this city (especially in contrast to the entrenched history of the east coast.)   "It's a place that feels pregnant with possibility," he said.  "It's also where my spirituality began to unfold.  Now, I am in love with a woman and happy," he revealed.  "It's all about belief," he said, as I sat there, nodding like a fool, eating a tortilla and sipping a beer.  YES!