Sunday, December 9, 2012

(I call it) MAGIC

Your kiss
like giant space rock
bursting into flame
shot through
this wandering soul/star
puncturing its atmosphere
leaving it to burn
in orange anticipation
and in the heat of red's passion
your lips return.

After the start and before the end, there’s the middle -
it’s where YOU are.
You who taught me that it’s about the birds and the bees,
singing in the trees, as I sit up in Grandmother,
over on that golden hill, in the park, above the city.

Sometimes, I brought you up there with me,
then you brought your friends, and the relating goes on.

The hardest part is letting go.

Other times, I fool myself into believing that this is how
I release your visage and my need to receive directly from a very
specific “you”.
“You” know who you are....
My love is as deep as the ocean, as wide as the sands and
as expansive as the sky. May we continue
to slither and slide across space and through time,