Saturday, February 16, 2013

just like you

My bestie from college was in town today. 
While she chased after her two, young children in a Balboa Park museum courtyard,
I sat at a round, lunch table with her wife.
"I want to bee "normal," just like you," I shared,
"I want the long-term partnership and the commitment to something bigger than myself
that kids and family entail."
I want it all.

The thing is, I've had to build towards creating something other than how I was shown how to do this.
Later, as I laid on the couch in our North Park abode, chatting with M. and sipping a beer, she cheered me for my "LoveBook," a copy of which I just gifted her today.  Together, we met in the space where our mothers shared similar characteristics - such as a bullying "Do It My Way" mentality in which values were sorely misplaced.  "An adult violently chasing an innocent child around a coffee table in a living room when the child is scared shitless and the adult is raving mad is NOT MY VALUE," I said. 

So, I'm working to create what I need so that I may thrive in optimum health, raidance and joy.
VILLAGE AND TRIBE are the solutions I seek because I, personally, do not see any other options.  Isolation, even with a small family unit, doesn't work - in this lifetime, it's only brought me untold pain and suffering.  In the end, it's true - selfishness is what drives us.