Friday, February 15, 2013

the Universe Rushes In

It always knows.

I've been awaking
my early-morning, singing bird
is no where to bee found

I wander out, eventually
(sometimes, I even need to be reminded)
to unlock the chicken coop
as Arwyn & Jedi stand waiting.
This morning, I couldn't even remember
the password on the lock - which are the Las Raices house number

The only street address number that is running through my BodyMind
are the digits of the heart of the Gaslamp space that I get to use
I text M. - "What is the password?"
I've forgotten.
My brain wants to berate me ~ blah. blah. blah.
I take my Self on a walk
and I remember.

Not too ironically, it is my brothers who are there
to hug me and remind me.
At Calabria,  it is a Kung Fu master.
"There she is," Shifu says,
"Mz. Rattlesnake Bite herself."
The energy rushes back into my veins.
And, I remember.
(My snake dance.)

At Henry's, it's a 70+ year-old, llama-farm owner
who lives in far east county San Diego.
"This is hard," I tell him.
"Birthing is that," he wisely responds.
"I feel it, all.  I surrender to it, release it, love it and let it go,
and it's hard."  "Transformation always is," he softly says.

"Bee the wealth," he gently reminds me.  As I tell him about the flower marking that
I contemplate getting.  "I'm great at bee-ing the Bee," I say.  "I just forget to bee the flower, too."
He chuckles at my metaphor.  "Mediate on your mantra, vibrate as the wholeness you are.  Like attracts Like," he says.  "Yes, and opposites attract, too," I chirp.
And, I remember..........