Wednesday, February 13, 2013

pre-Valentine's Day, ii

Whoops!  I just watched the video below and the most important piece was cut off. 
"And, it's like," I say,
"I just want to receive from a teacher here beside me."

So, I don't know about the questions to the answers below.  Rather, what I do know is that I have had to turn inward as well as towards my sisters in my personal as well as our collective quest to redefine LOVE for ourselves in a world teetering out of balance.  We've been fortunate in that our collective oppression and repression has become a commonplace conversation.  We actively address it in private as well as in public spaces, like college classrooms or in the lyrics of contemporary songwriters.  It's a hip thing to work towards the end of violence against women worldwide. 

What has been sadly missing from this conversation, however, is the oppression and repression of MAN from his emotional body and divine purpose.  Men haven't had the pleasure of pulling in and coming together, like we women have, because we haven't globally acknowledged their systemic wounding.  We've forgotten that our perpetrators are equal part victim, as well.  As a result, I contend that our men are - by and far - cut off from their feelings and disconnected from their internal, Divine Feminine.  War, bullying, force, rape and pillaging has become normalized by our greed and we all suffer.  Look around - it's splashed across newspapers and told via media sources, daily.  It's incessant whine is subliminally heard in pop music refrains and mainstream fanfare.  It's so rife that you can no longer smell it.

Here in San Diego, I am privileged to bee surrounded by beautiful, deep men who have done their work and who are divinely embodied brothers.  However, they are few and far between.  For the most part, I bump up against men who choose to dance with the delusions in their minds rather than dig in and do the dirty work that's required for them to tap in, touch their deep grief and sorrow, release their pain and move forward.  Instead, they chase after an illusion of poly-sexuality as an answer to their emptiness - failing to recognize that it is only through deep, emotional connection with a woman that they will achieve the nirvana they seek.  The problem is: great sex without deep intimacy remains empty and. we. all. keep. searching...