Friday, July 26, 2013

(non) scare~city

I am afraid too, ya know?
Sitting here with this Song in my Heart
that just must bee sung
and I am scared.
Just like I was four summers ago.
When I needed to move out of my hOMe,
away from my dogs and my relationship.
I needed to dive into the unknown
and it was quite a process of leaning in, testing the waters,
feeling the fear in my gut, and leaning out to step back.
Then, leaning in again and putting my big toe in the frigid pool.
Only, it wasn't that cold; it was, actually, downright refreshing.
And, once I jumped, I never looked back.
Initially, leaping, taking that huge jump forward, is scary.
Yet, like I did then, I know that I can and I AM
committed to my personal legend,
to my Heroine's Journey. 
AND, I can allow myself to bee exactly where I am.
"MEOW," says the 'fraidy cat.  ; )
Can you still LOVE me anyways?
Better yet, can I STILL LOVE ME, anyways?
YES, YES and YES!!!!!

(All the more, 

It was scary, the other day,
feeling my power brewing in my belly,
as I rose to defend and protect my hurt, inner child.
It's scary, drawing that invisible sword, and cutting
these psychic ties when they no longer serve us or our highest good.
Yet, it must bee done.
And I am harnessing this power, more and more,
because, more and more, I am releasing and shedding 
all of the scarcity that has come before.
The Universe provides.

All that I need I was born with - two legs, two hands, two eyes, two ears,
a warm, beating heart, a sharp mind, a generous Spirit.
And all else that I need I have accrued along the way -
the experiences and the adventures, the lessons and the drama,
the relationships and the connections.
All is Absolutely Perfect.
Life is in Divine Order.
Even when it doesn't adhere to my whims or desires,
and especially when it hurts or I get bitten.

It is all par for course - setting us up for the journey that is to come.
So, let's all let go of holding on to these notions of "right" and "wrong"
and "bad" and "good," and instead just honor that it all just is.
Unfolding Exactly As It Is Meant to.
Without our force and with our intention.
In a place where there is always room for more.
And nothing can ever bee taken from US.
For the true treasure lies within.
A Space of True LOVE.....