Friday, June 28, 2013


Truly, O. is the Warrior Goddess between us.  This was evident as we strode in the wake between the ocean and the shore yesterday, clad in our bikinis, toned strength with soft curves exuding and me just running along to keep up.  ; )  A mother of three and three years younger than me, she comes with a depth of life experiences of which I have never known.  I always marvel to her, "Wow!  I feel so wet behind the ears, naive and innocent in comparison to all you've experienced." 

By no means is there any competition between us, however.  Rather, I celebrate our differences.  I applaud how by just bee-ing herself and allowing me to run along beside her, I get to deepen my metaphorical dance with life.  There's ease and flow here, no striving to bee something other than what we are.  It's breathy and spacious.  It just is ~ kinda like life.

And what is coming up for me - loud and clear - is how I just want to make LOVE to every moment.  I want to suck the marrow out and taste as much of this as I possibly can because you never know what will come next...  Culturally, we place so much energy and emphasis on SEX, yet we have forgotten that in every moment SEX IS ON-GOING.  The act of Co-Creation - of Re-Birth and Destruction - is in Every Breath.  That Divine Dance of Masculine and Feminine, Light and Dark, Open and Closed, Penetrating and Receiving, In and Out, Out and In.

Moving from this place, we can LET GO of our objectifying another, or others; we can LET GO of needing that one, soul other  to meet all our needs (which just isn't reality); we can LET GO and JUST BEE.  Trusting that it is happening NOW.  We are deeply connected, vulnerable, open and yielding.  NOW. 
Nothing more, nothing less.

(I will see you on the [dance] floor.)