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image from: http://www.transformationtarot.com/CONIUNCTIOMAJMIN.html |
All I can do is respond.
Yesterday, the Ancient Queens of Egypt book walked right out the store door,
and I followed along behind it not too long after - having been given a mandatory out.
It stung and it hurt, and I laughed and I chuckled, tossing my arms wide to the sky.
"I am once again FREE!" ("Now, embody that, Cara!" I immediately thought to myself as I reflected on my blog post from yesterday morning.)
"Bringer of Light" you came in first, however - giving me the best hugs yet,
speaking about numerology and sacred numbers. "It's all about polarity," you said.
"Yes," I agreed, "I have been practicing." Your eyes shot up, inquiringly.
"IT'S POWERFUL MAGIC," I simply stated, as I intuited your desire.
What I want to convey to you, dear Blog reader, is that I hope you do not mis-take
my passion for anger. All of my words about WOMAN AS GOD is simply one person's attempt at balancing the scales. There's been thousands of years, and billions of stories, that attest otherwise. Personally, I simply feel called to sound the trumpet of re-membering.
Fortunately, I am surrounded by a diversity of people who do not think or do as I do and who, thus, keep me in check - for what I am not interested in is perpetuating dominant paradigm of any oppressive dogma or fear of life of any kind. God is God is God - no matter what you call it or what invisible clothes it is wearing. In the end, it is all the same - we each die, taking with us the stories we created in this lifetime while leaving behind a treasure trove of relating-ship.
Rather, what I am interested in re-claiming is SACRED PARTNERSHIP - from Margaret Starbird's Magdalene's Lost Legacy: Symbolic Numbers and the Sacred Union in Christianity:
"It is my conviction that Christianity at its inception included the celebration of the hieros gamos, the "sacred marriage" of opposites, a model incarnate in the archetypal bridegroom and his bride...This model of unity tragically lost in the cradle of Christianity, is patterned on the fundamental blueprint for life on our planet...Sacred partnership was not invented in the first century. It was ritually celebrated in many regions of the Near East long before the advent of Christianity...the blessing derived from the "sacred marriage" spread out from the "bridal chamber" to the land, bringing fertility and well-being to people and to their crops and herds."
"In Jungian terminology, harmonizing the opposing principles is the desired goal of each individual personality and spreads from each person out into the community, ultimately transforming the world. It is also found as a fundamental and cherished tenet of medieval alchemy - the coniunctio of the sun and the moon, often depicted as the archetypal king and queen in intimate embrace."
(Thus, please don't mis-take my fingernails now painted in GOLD as vanity.
Rather, it is simply me RE-MEMBERING.)